
Freelance After 50 Newsletter

Ready for an exciting new chapter in your life? Join 8000 subscribers who are pursuing a second-act freelancing career to gain the income, flexibility and freedom they desire!

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F50 Issue #27: Five Lessons from June Scribb

F50 Issue #27: July 23, 2024 Lessons from June Squibb: On Finding Success with “Slow Ambition” June Squibb is an inspiration. For seven decades, she’s been working as an actor. In 1959, she started off in the broadway musical Gypsy and then moved to film in the 1990s. You’ve probably seen her if you’ve watched movies like Meet Joe Black or TV shows like Shameless. And you can hear her voice in the movie Inside Out 2, where she plays the embodiment of Nostalgia, a grandmotherly character...

F50 Issue #26: July 9, 2024 What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? “What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s a question many of us were asked when we were kids. Maybe you asked yourself this question. You may even remember school assignments where you wrote about or drew a picture of what you’d like to be when you grew up — childlike descriptions of common professions and some entirely made-up ones. And you had to have this question figured out by when? High school graduation?...

F50 Issue #25: June 25, 2024 Seven Roadblocks to Avoid on Your Journey to Freelance Success Years ago, the freelance journey seemed like uncharted territory. If you told people you worked from home, you might have faced quizzical looks: “What do you mean you work from home? How do you get anything done?” Others might have said you’re lucky. It takes courage to pursue a freelance career, but the rewards are invaluable. One of our favorite quotes comes from a poem by Robert Frost called “The...

F50 Issue #24: June 11, 2024 Be Your Own Biggest Fan: Lessons from Unretiring Athletes Imagine you’re competing for the championship trophy in a popular sport. As the clock ticks down, you’re poised to score the winning goal. During the last few seconds, you look up at the stands for support. Scanning the crowd, you see a row of people cheering you on — friends, family, whoever is nearest and dearest to you. And … wait a minute. Who’s that? Are your eyes deceiving you? You see YOURSELF...

brown dried leaves on sand

F50 Issue #23: May 28, 2024 Mindset Matters: How to Build Healthy Habits After 50 In the 2002 movie About a Boy, Hugh Grant plays a character named Will Freeman. If you’ve seen the movie, you may remember that Will saw himself as an “island” — a free man with no responsibilities and obligations to other people. Because he inherited royalties from his father’s hit Christmas song, he didn’t have to work. Instead, he carefully carved out a lifestyle with daily habits that enabled his brand of...

F50 Issue #22: May 14, 2024 Explore New Careers and Boldly Go Where You’ve Never Gone Before! “Acting was the thing that made me happy when I was thirteen years old, and that is still the case seventy years later. I have so much more work to do. I am not done with the stage. I still want to try another TV comedy. I still have so many characters inside me that I need to let out. And, thank heavens, the door is still open. So why would I ever stop?” — Patrick Stewart (from his book, Making It...

F50 Issue #21: April 30, 2024 The Value of Experience: Five Ways to Embrace the Benefits of Being 50+ At the 1998 Academy Awards, two young men exuberantly accepted the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. At the time, they were in their 20s, but their film shared wisdom for all ages, including those over 50. The film was Good Will Hunting, and one of the themes was the importance of experience as a companion to knowledge and intelligence. If you’ve seen the film, you’ll remember that Matt...

woman in orange long sleeve shirt sitting beside table with macbook pro

F50 Issue #20: April 16, 2024 Working Well Beyond Retirement: Turning Your Vocation into a Second-Act Career If you retired tomorrow, would you miss your job? And if you’ve already retired, do you wish you could keep working? Over the past few months, we’ve shared stories from people over 50 who are enjoying fulfilling careers in their chosen field. Actors Tom Cruise and Harrison Ford are still going strong. Retired TV executive Ron Petrescue found a new freelance career in front of the...

F50 Issue #19: April 2, 2024 New Adventures in Unretirement: Five Lessons from Carl Fredricksen Last week, we watched our oldest daughter set off on a new adventure as we celebrated her marriage. A beautiful chapter of her life has begun, with many pages waiting to be written. And as we think about love and adventure, we can’t help thinking about one of our favorite movies of all time — “Up”! The main character, Carl Fredricksen, also enjoyed a beautiful love story, but he’s at a different...

woman spreading her arms

F50 Issue #18: March 19, 2024 Harnessing the Power of Peak 65: Five Ways to Combat Ageism Move over Freedom 55 — it’s time to make way for Peak 65! Many of you may remember the phrase “Freedom 55.” It was an advertising slogan for the London Life Insurance company in the 1980s, and it popularized the notion of retiring at the age of 55. In one of its TV commercials, a young man travels through time and jogs beside an older version of himself on a tropical beach. As the two start chatting, the...